Choose your favorite
travel package.

Customers can now live the freedom
of travel experiences without the hassles of comparing and making a choice.
For Travellers Looking
for an Exciting Adventure
Easy, Fast, Secure
We are here to ease people in their search for the perfect holiday: our Gift Experience Program will enhance vacations, offering an all inclusive package, created to deliver a perfect mix of fun, relax and unforgettable experiences.

Tryvium (TRYV) token is the beating heart of our vision:
it provides clear and easy transactions and it will be used for the booking payments.
We will incentivize the use TRYV giving special tokenized benefits to its holders:
cashback, loyalty rewards, special offers and an exclusive system of NFT booking related minting
that will generate real value collectibles with each booking on the Tryvium platform.


A smart software, with a full integrated reservation system. This will work as the heart of their business: one click and everything is under their direct control, 100% real time.

Our smart booking engine is well integrated into our all in one solution, our online system will integrate with more than ten website builders and with several gateway payment channels by automating all reservation tasks.

This will enhance integration with the industry giants like,
Tripadvisor, Holiday Lettings, Expedia, eDreams, Agoda, and Airbnb.


Q1 - Q2 2021
Q3-Q4 2021
Q1-Q2 2022
Q3-Q4 2022
-The beta version of the platform has been released, adding 600.000 + hotels around the world Paypal, Crypto, Payments
-Strategic partnerships with big travel and blockchain players
- Tryv token Private and Public Crowdsale.
- The Revolutionary payment system called Universal Token Swapper.
- Places and cities NFT minting as cashback and rewards.
- New Website
- New Blog
- Important Strategic Partneships
- Dex and Cex listing for $TRYV Token
- International Community building
Q1-Q2 2023
- Tryvium Gift Experience beta
test will start
- Open tests will be conducted
among real users
- New Features for Booking Platform
- New Strategic Partneships
- Tryvium Platform V2 version release
- Rewards Programs Release
- The mobile app alpha version will be released.
Q3-Q4 2023